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free parental control email trial, gives child email account for kid protection on the internet
Tell A Friend Feedback HOMELEARN MORETRY OUTCONTACTPARENTSUSEFUL LINKSKIDSAFFILIATES Testimonials Thank you for providing such an easy to use service. Until I found you I was worried sick about my 12 year old daughter being on line. I can sleep soundly now knowing that she is safe using your great parental control email. J Blatty, London UK eZpZemail has been a life saver for my two sons. They were on a hotmail account and were getting all sorts of spam and horrible ads sent to them. I had no idea until my son showed me one of the emails he got. I am a lot happier now knowing that they can't receive this sort of stuff anymore. Thank you eZpZemail. K Williams, WA, USA I looked long and hard for a safe child email account and would thoroughly recommend eZpZemail. D Shah, Birmingham UK I am a working mum who is not very savvy about the Internet. So, I was glad to find your email program which is so easy to use and doesn't take up too much of my time. And your customer service has been excellent too! F Sanderson, London UK Too many products on the Internet over promise and under deliver. It's refreshing to find an organization like eZpZemail that is so helpful. I would thoroughly recommend you to others. D Lewinson, Nottingham UK eZpZemail has gotten my kids of those free web mail accounts. Thank you thank you thank you for kid safe email. No more spam, no more adult ads and now I know who my kids are communicating with. Thank you for giving me control again. L Parker, MA USA I want to thank you for your excellent customer support. I recently had a problem, and you responded immediately and got my daughter online again. Finally a web business that takes kid protection on the Internet and customer support seriously!S Baker CA, USA