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NOTICE This web site contains sexually-oriented material. The contents are unsuitable for viewing by minors, as well as adults who prefer or are not permitted to view or receive information of this nature. 1. I acknowledge that I am over 21 years of age, and I am over the age of consent for my particular community, state, or nation. Note: if you are under 21 years of age and you do enter this site, you may be violating local, state or federal law. Please leave now. 2. I acknowledge that I am entering a web site that contains information and imagery of adult nature which depicts activity of an adult and/or sexual nature. This web site is intended for mature adults who have an interest in consensual bondage activities or equipment. Access to this type of content may be prohibited in certain US states or countries. If your local laws forbid sexually explicit material, please leave now. This includes Tennessee, Utah, North Carolina, Kentucky and Florida. 3. I acknowledge that the viewing, reading, and/or downloading of sexual information from this web site, whether deemed pornographic, obscene or prejudiced in other ways by acts of law does not violate my own standards or the community standards of my locality; city, town, county, state, province, country or other community to which I belong. By entering this site, I agree that I do not live in the states of Tennessee, Utah, North Carolina, Kentucky or Florida. 4. I acknowledge that sexually explicit material depicting bondage, S/M, or other fetish activities is permitted by the laws governing my region. In addition, I am familiar with the standards in my community regarding the acceptance of such sexually oriented materials, and the materials I expect to encounter in this web site are within those standards. 5. I acknowledge that I have an interest in activities that involve bondage equipment and situations. I am entering this site with the understanding that bondage should not be taken too seriously, it's just something humans use to fulfill our desire for sensual and visual stimulation. 6. I understand that bondage activities and bondage equipment can be harmful - and even fatal - if used improperly. I understand that any bondage activities that I engage in are done at my own risk. I also understand that bondage products which I may purchase from this web site or it's advertisers will be used at my own risk. 7. I indemnify producers, sponsors, and internet service providers against any and all claims that may arise as a result of illegal use of this web site or material contained therein. 8. I will not allow any person under 21 years of age to view any content from this web site, or purchase any products or services there from. I will not allow any person who is under the jurisdiction of any municipality, city, state, country, or other governmental entity where viewing adult content is prohibited by law, to view any content on or from this web site. 9. I will not distribute materials from this web site to other venues, newsgroups, e-mail lists, web sites, or mailing lists without the express written permission of the web site owner. 10. I will not otherwise publish materials from this web site in printed form, or by any other media such as CD-ROM or DVD without the express written permission of the web site owner. 11. This site contains large files most easily and quickly viewed on a broadband internet connection. Viewing this site with a dial-up modem connection will result in slow and potentially frustrating page load times. This site is designed to be displayed with the latest version of Internet browser. I acknowledge that I have read the above information and disclaimers in their entirety, and agree to their conditions. I am of legal age, and entering this web site is not a violation of the law applying to my area. ENTER If you DO NOT not agree with some or all of the statements listed above, then you MUST .... LEAVE CHECK OUT THE SITES BELOW FOR SOME INCREDIBLE IMAGERY